
关于Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard Civil Lawsuit 的观影感受 (2022)

关注Johnny Depp 和Amber Heard的诽谤官司有两周的时间了,而这场经历了1个多月的诉讼也终于迎来大结局。。。

最吸引我的还是看律师如何为自己的client fight,简直是斗智斗勇,比电视剧还好看。



本来希望周五(May 27)Jury能达成 Unanimous Verdict,可是愿望落空。而且由于周一是Memorial Day,Jury周二才能重新开始deliberation,运气好的话,周二就有结果,运气不好的话,最迟周四才会出结果。


周三下午终于迎来了大家翘首以盼的Unanimous Verdict,大家一起激动起来。

看了好机车的视频,就知道JD要告赢实在太难了,他的lawsuit一共有3个statements,每个statement都有几个condition,每个condition都得回答Yes,他才能算赢。反之AH的counter lawsuite也一样。
1. This special verdict form includes each of the statements on which John C. Depp, II, bases his claim of defamation against Amber Heard. Answer the questions in accordance with the Court's instructions.
As to this statement appearing in the online op-ed, entitled "Amber Heard: I spoke up against sexual violence and faced our culture's wrath. That has to change" in the Washington Post's online edition:
"I spoke up against sexual violence and faced our culture's wrath. That has to change."
1(a). Do you find that Mr. Depp has proven all the elements of defamation?
Has Mr. Depp proven by a greater weight of the evidence that:
The statement was made or published by Ms. Heard?
The statement was about Mr. Depp?
The statement was false?
The statement has a defamatory implication about Mr. Depp?
The defamatory implication was designed and intended by Ms. Heard?
Due to circumstances surrounding the publication of the statement, it conveyed a defamatory implication to someone who saw it other than Mr. Depp?
1(b). Do you find that Mr. Depp has proven by clear and convincing evidence that Ms. Heard acted with actual malice?
2. As to this statement appearing in the op-ed entitled "A Transformative Moment For Women" in the Washington Post's print edition and the online op-ed "Amber Heard. I spoke up against sexual violence--and faced our culture's wrath. That has to change in the Washington Post's online edition:
"Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out."
2(a). Do you find that Mr. Depp has proven all the elements of defamation?
Has Mr. Depp proven by a greater weight of the evidence that:
The statement was made or published by Ms. Heard?
The statement was about Mr. Depp?
The statement was false?
The statement has a defamatory implication about Mr. Depp?
The defamatory implication was designed and intended by Ms. Heard?
Due to circumstances surrounding the publication of the statement, it conveyed a defamatory implication to someone who saw it other than Mr. Depp?
2(b). Do you find that Mr. Depp has proven by clear and convincing evidence that Ms. Heard acted with actual malice?
3. As to this statement appearing in the op-ed entitled "A Transformative Moment For Women" in the Washington Post's print edition and the online op-ed "Amber Heard: I spoke up against sexual violence and faced our culture's wrath. That has to change in the Washington Post's online edition:
"I had the rare vantage point of seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse."
3(a). Do you find that Mr. Depp has proven all the elements of defamation?
Has Mr. Depp proven by a greater weight of the evidence that:
The statement was made or published by Ms. Heard?
The statement was about Mr. Depp?
The statement was false?
The statement has a defamatory implication about Mr. Depp?
The defamatory implication was designed and intended by Ms. Heard?
Due to circumstances surrounding the publication of the statement, it conveyed a defamatory implication to someone who saw it other than Mr. Depp?
3(b). Do you find that Mr. Depp has proven by clear and convincing evidence that Ms. Heard acted with actual malice?
4. As against Amber Heard, state the amount of compensatory damages, if any, you believe John C. Depp, II has proven, by a greater weight of the evidence, that he is entitled to recover:
We, the Jury, award compensatory damages in the amount of $_______
5. As against Amber Heard state the amount of punitive damages, if any, to which you find John C. Depp, II is entitled to recover: 
We, the Jury, award punitive damages in the amount of $________
1. As to this statement appearing in the April 8, 2020 online edition of The Daily Mail:
"Amber Heard and her friends in the media use fake sexual violence allegations as both a sword and shield, depending on their needs. They have selected some of her sexual violence hoax 'facts as the sword, inflicting them on the public and Mr. Depp."
1(a). Do you find that Ms. Heard has proven all the elements of defamation?
Has Ms. Heard proven by a greater weight of the evidence that: 
Mr. Waldman, while acting as an agent for Mr. Depp, made or published the statement? 
The statement was about Ms. Heard? 
The statement was seen by someone other than Ms. Heard? 
The statement was false? 
1(b). Do you find that Ms. Heard has proven by clear and convincing evidence that the statement by Mr. Waldman was made with actual malice? 
2. As to this statement appearing in the April 27, 2020 online edition of The Daily Mail:
“Quite simply this was an ambush, a hoax. They set Mr. Depp up by calling the cops but the first attempt didn't do the trick. The officers came to the penthouses, thoroughly searched and interviewed, and left after seeing no damage to face or property. So Amber and her friends spilled a little wine and roughed the place up, got their stories straight under the direction of a lawyer and publicist, and then placed a second call to 911."
2(a). Do you find that Ms. Heard has proven all the elements of defamation?
Has Ms. Heard proven by a greater weight of the evidence that: 
Mr. Waldman, while acting as an agent for Mr. Depp, made or published the statement? 
The statement was about Ms. Heard? 
The statement was seen by someone other than Ms. Heard? 
The statement was false? 
2(b). Do you find that Ms. Heard has proven by clear and convincing evidence that the statement by Mr. Waldman was made with actual malice? 
3. As to this statement appearing in the April 27, 2020 online edition of The Daily Mail:
"We have reached the beginning of the end of Ms. Heard's abuse hoax against Johnny Depp."
3(a). Do you find that Ms. Heard has proven all the elements of defamation?
Has Ms. Heard proven by a greater weight of the evidence that: 
Mr. Waldman, while acting as an agent for Mr. Depp, made or published the statement? 
The statement was about Ms. Heard? 
The statement was seen by someone other than Ms. Heard? 
The statement was false? 
3(b). Do you find that Ms. Heard has proven by clear and convincing evidence that the statement by Mr. Waldman was made with actual malice? 
4. As against John C. Depp, II, state the amount of compensatory damages, if any, you believe Amber Heard has proven, by a greater weight of the evidence, that she is entitled to recover: 
We, the Jury, award compensatory damages in the amount of $_______
5. As against John C. Depp, II, state the amount of punitive damages, if any, you to which you find Amber Heard is entitled to recover: 
We, the Jury, award punitive damages in the amount of $____________



  • 在刑事诉讼里,Jury只负责判断guilty or not,法官负责量刑。
  • 而在民事诉讼里,Jury不单止负责判断yes or no,还负责裁决damage award。
在宣布verdict的时候,大家听了这么多yes no,估计都很懵逼。幸好我都翻出了文字版,是NBC的“Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Trial: What Did Jurors Consider for a Verdict?”,截图如下:
-.by NBC.-

所以就是说JD的3个statements都胜诉了,AH的3个statements只赢了一个,最后Jury判给JD15M,给AH2M。不过根据州最高的Punitive Award是35K,所以最后判给JD的是10.35M,而不是15M。



  1. AH就是家暴者,这么蛇蝎心肠的人不能赢
  2. 希望AH的例子不要给被家暴的女生制作更多麻烦。Abusers就是abuser, 无论男女。
  3. JD本身也有很多问题呀,嗑药,酗酒。。。他发起酒疯也很可怕呀,女生也会害怕的,不过更像是精神上的施暴。
  4. 大家选边无可非议,但是硬是把JD和女神律师搞CP就太一厢情愿了吧。还有骂AH的律师的,人家也是做自己的工作而已,人身攻击就不好了。
  5. 真的不能以貌取人呀,天使的面孔,蛇蝎的心肠。;海盗的外表,温柔的内心。。。
  6. JD待朋友真是没得说的,简直是别人家的朋友。。。(看看他是怎么帮助Isaac Baruch,还有bodyguard 的证词-$5000? he gave more than that...)
  7. AH真的很美呀,演技真烂呀,太用力了。
当初看见AH 2016的视频,觉得她就是无辜的小白兔,如果不是早就知道她的歹毒,肯定就会被带偏的。


  • 我最喜欢的证人是TMZ狗仔队证人Morgan Tremaine。看他怼AH的律师Elaine太爽了——(你说我是为了曝光才来作证的?)那我也可以这样说你呀,你就是为了曝光才做AH的律师的吧!🤣🤣🤣
  • 据说如果AH不提Kate Moss的话,JD这边是不能让她出庭的(别问我为什么呀)。所以当时一听到Kate Moss的名字,JD这边的律师团都开心坏了,Ben还做了个yes的手势🤣🤣

