
失败的Kodak Gold 200

好失望啊,develop出来的Kodak Gold 200表现太差了,我几乎失去玩胶卷的信心了。

==================== Kodak Gold {GB 200-6} ====================


@ Bahamas
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@ Key West
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@ Key West
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@ Everglades NP
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=================== Kodak Gold {2007} ====================


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==================== 数码vs胶卷 =====================

@ Key West
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Curry Hammock State Park

看着这些胶片的效果,我的心坠落到谷底,信心也丧失了7788了。还好,向silentworld求救的时候,他给我写了封极其详尽的email,copy & paste下来,要多研究几遍,反复温习。

==================== Silentworld的email ===================

Hi QQ,

Just find a bit of time between work so I thought I just send a quick response back. When I look at your two negative scans, I noticed three potential problems:

these grains are big!
the pic is not sharp
I feel that there is subtle color cast (probably towards blue/green) that blocks the real color somewhat

There are a few reasons to call these big grains. It could be 1) significant unexposure, 2) bad film, 3) expired film and 4) bad processing and you need to think which one is likely applicable in your case. I used ISO 200 and 400 Shoppers film and Black's film from time to time and process them at the same stores and the grain is usually much smaller than this. I now feel comfortable using them for non critical shots and they actually works great.

The pic is not sharp could be because you are hand-holding and shutter speed is too slow or it could be the scanner that is not calibrated well. Did you generally get sharper scans from other film on your espon?

The color cast can be adjusted using color balance tools in PS, but now I mainly use a PS plug-in called Colorperfect for negative scan. My workflow is to scan the negative as positive in 16 bit and convert the scans using Colorperfect. For me the result is significantly better than from my Nikonscan software and at least 80% of the time, the color is almost spot on. here you can learn more about it:


At least, with all the time and effort you spent shooting, I really think you deserve using some better film. ;-) Ektar 100 is selling for a little over US$4 at B&H and you can buy it for C$5.50 at Downtown Camera in Toronto. Its grain is so small that I barely see it at 18in x
27 inch size on screen after being scanned at 4000 dpi on Coolscan 9000. I can send you a few full resolution examples of different films so you can see what you can get out of them.

As to Provia. It is hard to beat looking at the slides on a light table. ;-) It is generally harder to scan a slide especially for a scanner with a smaller Dmax. The scan generally gets a little darker and you lose some saturation. Sometimes you also need a custom scanner profile to get the best color out of the scanner. That would be a longer discussion that I will leave it to next time. ;-)

i will send you a few negative scans from
