
胶片,胶片,我爱你 (6) -- Fuji RDP 100

很高兴第3卷胶卷终于带给我惊喜——Fuji RDP 100。由于每张片子都拍得十分小心,所以出片率高出我自己的平均数,太高兴了。下面贴的片子,除了用photoshop把扫描扫入的灰尘、纤维等杂物去掉和缩小外,没有其他的PS. 很高兴曝光正确,对焦正确,景深基本正确。^_^


Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia
-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large

Peggy's Cove

St. Lawrence, Nova Scotia
-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large

St. Lawrence @ Cape Breton

Chéticamp, Nova Scotia
-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large

@ Chéticamp, Cape Breton

Confederation Bridge, New Brunswick
-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large

Confederation Bridge @ New Brunswick

Hope Well Rocks, New Brunswick
-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large

-.我拍的胶片,这张曝光没有70的好.- View Large

Hopewell Rocks @ New Brunswick

Fundy National Park
-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large

Fundy National Park @ New Brunswick

Point Wolfe, Fundy National Park
-.我拍的胶片.- View Large

-.我拍的胶卷.- View Large



-.这张无论是曝光、景深、还有构图,都不够准确。后期做了Shadows & Highlights 和 Exposure的调整。.- View Large



Booth's Rock Trail lookout
-.这张曝光不准确。后期做了Shadows & Highlights 和红颜色的调整。颜色调整纯粹是因为个人喜爱重口味。.- View Large


Booth's Rock Trail lookout
-.这张曝光不准确,锐度也有问题,不知道是不是扫描的问题。后期做了Shadows & Highlights, 红颜色的调整还有就是锐话。颜色调整纯粹是因为个人喜爱重口味。.- View Large


Rock Lake Lookout


9 条评论:

2in3 说...


QQXK 说...


2in3 说...


Teamfortress 说...



QQXK 说...

对于我来说,如果不用PS都能出好片,那是最完美的。胶片有时候就能满足我这种懒人. ^_^ (对不起,让Henry再一次看不起啦!^_^)

Teamfortress 说...


QQXK 说...


澄清一下:我一共只说了1次胶片比数码好话,就是这篇blog了。其他的,我都是说“胶片啊,我爱你”那些肉麻的话,可是并没有贬低数码哦 ^_^


70有天还嘀咕了句,说胶片浪费钱,被我听到了 T_T

silentworld 说...

Hi QQ, the scans from RDP looks quite good! Since the file you uploaded is relatively small, I can`t tell too much about the resolution but at least I can tell that your scanner did a great job on the color side. It looks like "slide film". ;-)

It is really helpful that you compare the film images with the digital images side by side. The difference between the two mediums is consistent with my feeling in the past. Comparing the two versions you posted, I feel that the color from slides are more pure and more attractive than the digital. Digital photos seems often have an overall yellow color cast and I am not sure how easy to process the digital file to produce the great color that slides give us right away. Color is actually one of the biggest reasons that I haven't switched to digital (another big reason is the fun to play with all those good, old cameras ;-) )

Some of the negative films are pretty good as well and should be worth trying. Kodak will replace its existing Portra 400 VC and NC with a finer grained Portra 400 film, which will be available this Nov. Based on the link below, this film is quite promising.


I just sent the film out for processing yesterday and should get it back today. I shot some 120 slide film this past weekend (first time this year) and look forward to seeing how it worked out. I still have a couple of rolls of 120 in the camera and hopefully i can get it finished this weekend.

Well, you and 70 are also welcomed to join us for fun. For me, I are not interested in doing photography just for the sake of photography, so I am not that interested in doing classic shots, copying the masters. Instead, I do it to document my experience, feeling and fun time, so I would have to have some fun first. I guess you may have the same vew .

By the way, if you do more film stuff, considering getting an old manual focus camera and lens as well. They are really cheap now and wonderful to use.

silentworld 说...

By the way, I saw your new posts on your blog about the few more RDP shots that you are not happy with. For the first interior shot, I think the problem is that you used wrong film for that shot. Slide has a narrow dynamic range and it will not be able to capture the dark interior and the bright exterior light in the ceiling at the same time. If you use a negative film and exposure for the shadow (interior), the result would be much better. With a good quality negative, you should have a pic with similar exposure quality to 5d ii. This is why you need two camera body, one with the slide and the other with negative. ;-)

As to the last two, I am not sure what happened. Again, I am wondering if it is possible you underexposure the scene a bit. It may not be the best situation for slide as well. The clouds could be potentially 3-4 stop over the forest below so if you use center weighted meter you will likely under-exposure the forest, which could make the color dull.